Metastock Pro 8 0 Rtd

Hi Everyone, I need some help and I know from the number of other people that have enquired about this that it would be of benefit to a lot of FF MT4 users. I have found some software which is available for free from a FF members website which (having spoken to the developer) could be adapted to provide me with what I want The software is called Excellink and is available from the website a link to which is shown below. I am also attaching the zip file which is available to download from that site. What I want to do is the following: a) Transfer real time tick by tick data from Metatrader into Excel b) Set up the excel spreadsheet so that a particular row receives the data from a particular bar from a particular time frame. So if you want each row to represent 1 minute you could have one row for 09.15 and as soon as that time finishes another row is formed for 09.16 etc c) Show the Open, Close, High and Low for each bar d) Be able to capture data on different excel sheets within the same workbook for different time periods simultaneously.
So you could run one sheet from 1min and another for 5min etc I have been assured by the developer that this is all possible but will need some programming I would be really grateful of any assistance that could be provided Many thanks Indy. Hi, everyone, I looking for solution reading data (value or string) from excel to metatrader. Excellink.dll is great tool but I have one probelm for me.
No reading value from cell when its value is define as formula. Setool 1.11 Download on this page. Example: write value 100 to cell A1 ExcelGetValueCell(1,1) return 100 - it is ok but if content cell A1 defined formula: '=B1+C1' function ExcelGetValueCell(1,1) return zero and function ExcelGetStringCell(1,1) return - any as R2C2+R3C3 I want read content cell (no formula). It is old tool. I ask we told no support.:-( Do you have anybody others *.dll files which it can read/write data from/to excel?
Thank you very mutch. Hello, I want to connect my excel files with MT4 's DDE server. I had tick enable DDE server and allow my FXCM MT4 to run, but the data is not coming to my excel. Voyager Plug Se Keygen Crack on this page. Here's what I type in my excel column, example ='MT4' BID!GBPJPY; the data is not coming to my excel files. I had also tried running FXCM MT4 as administrator, that didn't work out either. HOWEVER, it works on other broker but not FXCM 's MT4. Does anyone know how to solve this problem??
Metastock pro 8.0 and metaserver rt problem - I use metastock pro. 8.0 and metaserver rt 2.0 Data transfer occurs when I start the program; however it takes the data. MetaStock D/C powered by DataLink is designed specifically for swing and position traders. Regardless of your trading experience, MetaStock D/C gives you professional level analysis tools that answer the questions: 'What should I trade? Broadway Lites Download. ' 'How can I test my trading system?' And 'When should I get in and out of a trade?'
I hope I had explain my situation well. Hello, I want to connect my excel files with FXCM MT4 's DDE server. I had tick enable DDE server and allow my FXCM MT4 to run, but the data is not coming to my excel. Here's what I type in my excel column, example ='MT4' BID!GBPJPY; the data is not coming to my excel files.
I had also tried running FXCM MT4 as administrator, that didn't work out either. HOWEVER, it works on other broker but not FXCM 's MT4. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?? I hope I had explain my situation well. Folks, this has been an issue of great interest to many, if not all!