Spot Healing Brush Tool In Photoshop Cs5
Spot healing brush The spot healing brush is the default healing tool in Photoshop and can be used to. Subject Descriptors: Clone Stamp, Healing Brush, Clone Stamp Tool, Healing Brush Tool, Touch up photographs. Application (version): Adobe Photoshop CS5. Task Description: How do I use the Clone Stamp?, How do i use the Healing Brush?, How do I touch up a photo or photograph or image? Tutorial Date: 12 May.

Written by Steve Patterson. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to quickly remove acne and other minor skin blemishes from a portrait, leaving healthy looking skin in its place, using the Spot Healing Brush in Photoshop! The Spot Healing Brush can remove or repair all kinds of small imperfections in a photo, but here we'll focus on how to use it to retouch skin.
Why The Spot Healing Brush Is Perfect For Removing Blemishes Photoshop's Spot Healing Brush is basically a texture replacement tool. It takes damaged or unwanted texture from one area and replaces it with good texture from the surrounding area. The good texture is then blended with the problem area's original tone and color to 'heal' the image with seamless results. The Spot Healing Brush is similar to its big brother, the standard. But while the Healing Brush makes us choose the good texture ourselves, the Spot Healing Brush chooses texture all on its own, and that makes it much faster to use. When retouching skin, we just click on a blemish with the Spot Healing Brush, and like magic, the blemish is gone!

Let's see how it works. I'll be using but this tutorial is fully compatible with Photoshop CS6.
To follow along, you can use any image where the person's skin could use some quick retouching. I'll use this photo so we can see how the Spot Healing Brush can be used to quickly remove some distracting pimples from the young woman's face ( from Shutterstock).
'Content-Aware' should be selected by default. Step 5: Click On The Skin Blemishes To Heal Them Click on pimples and other minor skin blemishes with the Spot Healing Brush to quickly heal them. Montblanc Pen Serial Numbers. For best results, keep your brush slightly larger than the blemish. To change your brush size from the keyboard, press the left bracket key ( [ ) to make the brush smaller or the right bracket key ( ] ) to make it larger. Here, I'm positioning my brush over one of the pimples, and I've resized my brush so that the cursor (the black circular outline) is just a bit larger than the pimple itself.
Clicking to remove the blemish and heal the area. How To Fix Mistakes If Photoshop makes a mistake and the blemish isn't gone after the first try, undo your click by pressing Ctrl+Z (Win) / Command+Z (Mac) on your keyboard. Resize your brush if needed, and then click on the same spot to try again. Each time you click, you'll get a different result. I'll continue clearing up other pimples in the area by moving my brush over them, adjusting its size with the left and right bracket keys, and clicking.
Her skin is already looking better. The Blend Mode option for the Spot Healing Brush. With the blend mode set to Lighten, Photoshop will only replace pixels that are darker than the good texture. Since pimples and other skin blemishes are usually darker than normal skin tone, only the pimple or blemish itself gets replaced, leaving more of the original skin texture surrounding it intact. If a blemish is lighter than the normal skin tone, try the Darken mode instead. To quickly switch between blend modes for the Spot Healing Brush, press and hold the Shift key on your keyboard and press the + or - keys. Before And After Comparison To compare your retouching work with the original image, toggle the 'Spot Healing' layer on and off by clicking its visibility icon in the Layers panel.