Solar Geyser Installation Diagram

Product Installation Data Roof location and Pitch The solar vacuum tubes are to be installed in a parallel array and at an angle determined by the latitude of the installation. For optimum performance the solar vacuum tubes need to face the equator (facing north for southern hemisphere installations). Installation on angles of up to 45 degrees away from the equator do not have a major effect on the annual solar output, consequently roof locations which face less than 45 degrees away from the equator are acceptable. Solar radiance from the sun begins at about 10:00 until about 16:00 and is at its peak between 12:00 and 14:00. If the solar vacuum tubes are installed with an east facing bias, the best solar capture is achieved in the morning, and if the installed with west facing biased, in the afternoon. The location should not be subject to excessive shading from trees and adjacent buildings and particularly between 9:00 and 15:00. Remember that shadows are longer in winter than in summer so a location that is free of shadows in the summer may have some shadows in winter. Metastock Version 8 Pro.

Kwikot Solar Geyser Installations. (see installation diagram). A 12V solar circulating pump can also be used, powered by a photovoltaic collector panel. Installation guide Important: 1. Will make the geyser last. Follow diagram to balance pressures at mixer if cold water pressure is substantially. In Reply to Alex: There are differences in types of solar geysers available, the biggest being the ability to introduce antifreeze into a dedicated closed circuit heating loop between the solar panel and a solar geyser specifically designed for solar water heating (which has an internal heat exchanger to transfer the heat from the closed circuit water to your “normal” hot water). Instruction manual residential solar Water heatinG sYstems. SOLAR COLLECTOR INSTALLATION. SYstem diaGram/tYpical installation Figure 1.