
Ms Access Vba Interview Questions

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Ms Access Vba Interview QuestionsMs Access Vba Interview Questions

Hypersonic 2 Team Air Win7 64bit Iso. The following criteria should be met by the publisher before adding him to the list. ► The code project should have a digital signature of the publisher ► A valid digital signature should be in place ► Valid digital signature should not be expired ► Digital certificate which comes with digital signature should meet industry standards and specifications. ► Developer who is holding and signing the code project should be a trusted publisher. Some of the file extensions present in MS Access are ► Access blank project template.adn ► Access database.accdb ► Access project.adp ► Access Workgroup.mdw ► Protected access database.accde ► Access workgroup.mdw If a programmer doesn't wish to make changes to the document he can lock the document data and its code from further changes by changing the extension of the file system to.MDE. Changes can be made only to the file with an extension MDE.

Tools are available in the market which can unlock and decompile the code but some changes to VBA or VB scripts are irreversible. MS Access provides a huge range of functions some of them are ► It is used by small business, departments of large corporations, and by amateurs to create applications on their desktop for data applications. ► Access is very useful for small web based database applications hosted on IIS and using ASP.NET pages. ► It can be used as a RAD for building prototype and Stand alone applications.