
Install Apache Solr Windows Xp

Install Apache Solr Windows Xp

The following instructions show how to install and configure the Apache Solr search platform for CKAN on Red Hat Linux. The when installing CKAN on Ubuntu 10.4 uses the and to power Solr. The instructions below use the Java JDK with Tomcat instead. CKAN uses customized schema files that take into account its specific search needs.

Different versions of the schema file for Solr are found in the ckan/ckan/config/solr directory of the ckan codebase. Solr can also be set up with multiple Solr cores to support multiple configurations and indexes on the same instance. This is specially useful when you want other applications than CKAN or different CKAN versions to use the same Solr instance.

Jun 28, 2013 - The following instructions show how to install and configure the Apache Solr search platform for CKAN on Red Hat Linux. The standard documentation for setting up Solr when installing CKAN on Ubuntu 10.4 uses the Java JDK and jetty to power Solr. The instructions below use the Java JDK with Tomcat.

The instructions here set up two Solr cores to support both schema-1.3.xml for CKAN and schema-1.4.xml (the current latest version). As new CKAN schemas are introduced in the future (e.g., schema-1.5), you will want to modify these instructions accordingly. Table of Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Install latest Java JDK yum remove java yum install java-1. Fsx Airport Scenery. 6.0-openjdk yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel Install Tomcat6 sudo yum install -y tomcat6 Install Solr Install Solr 1.4.1 and create a directory at /data/solr which will contain the configuration and data for your Solr cores. Tomcat needs to be the owner of /data/solr and its contents. Cd /usr/src/ curl tar xfz - mkdir -p /data/solr cp -R apache-solr-1.4.1/example/solr/* /data/solr cp apache-solr-1.4.1/dist/apache-solr-1.4.1.war /data/solr/solr.war chown -R tomcat /data/solr/ Setup Tomcat for Solr Create a solr.xml file for Catalina localhost.