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Galaxy & Resistance Commanders expansion for Risk 2210 A.D. V1.0 Contents of this file: Galaxy Command Cards (22) Resistance Command Cards (22) Galaxy Commander Cardboard Standees (5 different colors) Resistance Commander Cardboard Standees (5 different colors) Command Card Summary Sheet (based on cmpterman2's ) Galaxy Commander originally created by Matt Sklar for use in his Galactic Risk variant. Lennox Sound Cd 101 Manually more. Art has been modified and some text has been changed.
The Galaxy Commander should not be used with the standard game of Risk 2210 A.D. Because its abilities and cards mostly involve interplanetary travel. See for Matt Sklar's original Galaxy Commander and for his rules to Galactic Risk. Resistance Commander is based on Matt Sklar's version of the Resistance Commander, with art and text changes. It can be used either with the Galactic Risk variant, or with the standard game of Risk 2210 A.D.
The Resistance Commander rolls a D8 when attacking any territory containing 3 or fewer MOD's. This file is posted with permission from Matt Sklar. Cards were created with Geoff B's Risk 2210 A. Barbie Fashion Games Free Download Full Version. D. Card Creator. Aug 18, 2011 9:: By.
Risk 2210 A.D. Tuckboxes v1.0 Tuckboxes for the cards to Risk 2210 A.D. Featuring boxes for the following: Earth Territory cards Mars Territory cards (Official Expansion) Io & Europa Territory cards (Unofficial Expansion) Factions (Official Expansion) Diplomat Command Cards Land Command Cards Naval Command Cards Nuclear Command Cards Space Command Cards Tech Command Cards (Official Expansion) Galactic Command Cards (Unofficial Expansion) Resistance Command Cards (Unofficial Expansion) All Tuckboxes are slightly oversized to accommodate additional custom cards. Tuckboxes were created to be light on color to save ink.
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