
Adolescent Coping Scale Manual Software

Coping Scale For Adults

Software Receiver Tanaka Bebas Acakan. The A-COPE is a coping inventory designed to explore adolescent coping behaviors that result from the normal adolescent stress associated with trying to create a balance between being connected to and at the same time independent from one’s family. The coping inventory identifies the behaviors adolescents find helpful in managing problems or difficult situations.

Coping Skills Scale

For scoring information and additional background on the tool, you may purchase the CD-ROM (Family Measures: Stress, Coping and Resiliency by McCubbin, Thompson and McCubbin) available through: University Book Store Attn: Family Measures 711 State Street Madison WI 53703 Email: Attn: Bob Kellough 800-993-2665 608-257-9479 (fax) $65.00 plus shipping* and handling (taxes required if in Wisconsin) Alternatively, the questionnaire can be useful to program staff without official scoring documented in the CD Rom/book developed to accompany this assessment tool. Your own program logic model or program theory would indicate if an individual’s answers to particular questions demonstrate positive or negative change in the various behaviors tracked by the questionnaire. For example, you might administer the questionnaire to clients at the start of the program year or upon enrollment to establish a baseline. Auto Screenshot Maker 3.0 Activation Code.