
Clan Crest Lineage 2

What is a Pledge Crest? A pledge crest is an icon/sign/mark that appears near to your name like in the example below: In order to set a crest, your pledge must be at least level 3. How to set a crest for your pledge: If your pledge is at least level 3, you will need to copy your emblem to a directory in your [for example C: ] and then log into the game. Push ALT+C once in game to bring up the clan panel, and click Set Crest.

I just made my clan and i dont know how to put a darn crest. I tried like a mil times. I tried moving the crest to system and systextures (dumm advice i got on. Clan crests: Clan+ally crests: Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago. Joined: - 10:14. If you have any other crest for mine gallery, send me them please: l2serversweb@gmail.com. Thank you very. In order to set your clan crest. Copy your crest to your Lineage II System folder 2. Lineage 2; ESRB Teen.

Clan Crest Lineage 2 InterludeClan Crest Lineage 2

It will ask you where it's stored, type in the directory [for example C: crest.bmp] and click set. You should have a clan crest near your name and near your clan member's names. Note: If you want to create your own emblem create a 16x12 pixels grafic with a graphic editor and save it as a 256 color *.bmp file. Purebeam. Cdc Serial Driver For Windows 7 here. biz Ex4-to-mq4 there.

Never tried that before. >no ressult it doesnt write / it only writes the darn crossed W. Intra pe l2.hopzone.net da click pe crest si o sa iti apara mai multe crest din care sa alegi.copii una si o pui intru anumit folder.dai pe imag salvata click secundar si EDIT apoi save si knd se deschide fereastra de la save selectezi 256color bmp format.apoi intra in joc si respectiv clan window==crest si scrii adresa unde e imag(crest) dar imag cea editata,nu uita sa pui.bmp ok si gata _________________. Crests on hopzone arent good. U must open them with paint and save them with 256 colors instead of 24k colors like it was before. For me it worked.

I finaly have a cool clan crest. But now i have another problem.As clan leader only i have the right to take stuff from wh even though i gave some of my members full clan rights (marked all those blank boxes). Can someon pls help me and tell me how to give other clan members the right to take stuff from cwh!!!

_________________ DEX 4 Ever. [Cheack it its teh best] I'm the butt cracker!!